Thursday, April 18, 2024

Platinum Sponsors

The businesses and citizens of the Lake Gaston region genuinely care about our communities, our non-profit organizations, civic clubs, churches and other citizens in need. I have witnessed this deep level of caring many times during my two-year tenure here at the Lake Gaston Regional Chamber of Commerce, but I had another opportunity to experience this community outpouring on Sunday.

I had the blessing of having a double date on Saturday evening with my wonderful husband and my parents. We attended the 2nd Annual Shrimp Boil at The Corner Lot/Norton’s at the Lake. The food was delicious! It was what some folks call a Low Country Boil or what my family calls Frogmore Stew (don’t ask me the origin of the name – I have no idea).

Last Wednesday the Lake Gaston Regional Chamber of Commerce hosted a ribbon cutting for a business expansion at Warren FoodWorks, our locally-sourced ingredient café in downtown Warrenton at 108 S. Main Street.

I had the opportunity recently to attend a lunch with the Roanoke Valley Chamber of Commerce, as well as representatives from the Northampton, Halifax, Roanoke Rapids and Weldon school systems and other business and community leaders, to learn more about how the North Carolina Education Lottery works.

LKG Chamber Facebook

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors