Computers and their applications are fun to use, fun to figure out how to operate, and fun to talk about. The purpose of the Lake Gaston Computer Club is to facilitate all three of these concepts. We do this through meetings, classes, special interest groups and a very popular technical support group. In our monthly meetings held at the Lake Gaston Lion's Den, we explore the capabilities of computers and their software with presentations by locals and out-of-town experts. Some meetings are Q&A sessions to watch demonstrations, raise questions and discuss our experiences. Our education classes are centered on various operating systems and popular applications. We also sponsor special interest groups on genealogy, MAC computers and iPads. A key function of our club is the help and fixes offered at the Repair Shop on Mondays. The Lake Gaston Computer Club helps its members understand the most current computer technology and learn the skills necessary to function in today’s world. It offers something for everyone and provides opportunities to meet new friends. Check out our website and come join us.