Tuesday, December 03, 2024

Platinum Sponsors

Littleton United Methodist Church

Member Name: Kaye Herman
Address *: 105 South Main Street
City *: Littleton
State *: North Carolina
Zip *: 27850
Phone: 252-586-5385

All About Us

Littleton United Methodist Church welcomes you to joins us in worship each Sunday at 9:30 a.m.  Special services are held Christmas Eve, during the Lenten season and Holy Week, and on other special occasions. Holy Communion is normally received on the first Sunday of each month.  All baptized Christians are invited to share the table.

Sunday School

After worship and fellowship

Sunday School classes are provided for all age groups in keeping with our belief that one is never too young or too old for Bible Study. A nursery is available during this time.

Our Adult Class meets in the Chapel. The class is on a rotating teacher schedule using our United Methodist literature.

Children / Teen classes are divided into three age groups: 3yr to pre-K, Elementary, and Youth. All teaching materials are age-appropriate. The teachers for the Children and Youth Classes have all gone through LUMC’s Safe Sanctuaries training.


Nursery services are provided for both the 10:00 Worship Service and 11:15 Sunday School. All nursery volunteers have gone through LUMC’s Safe Sanctuaries training.

Mission Statement

Littleton United Methodist Church strives to provide all-inclusive worship of God through our Savior, Jesus Christ. We are committed to deepening our spiritual growth.

We are to minister in Christ’s name to the needy, the sick, the dying, the unchurched, and to each other. We are to be active Christians, spreading the Good News.

We are to strive to witness for Jesus in our daily lives, in our community and throughout the world.

Our History

The year 1880 was significant in the life of Littleton. It saw the organization of Littleton United Methodist Church, with a membership of 16, and the establishment of Littleton Female College. The students at the college were primarily Methodist. After the present sanctuary was constructed in 1907, the students sat each Sunday in the center section of the church.

In 1919, the college burned and was never rebuilt, but the church continued to thrive.

The history of the church is richly intertwined with the history of the Town of Littleton. Through the years, the church has been a vital and vibrant witness int the community and has flourished as the greater Littleton/Lake Gaston area has continued to develop.

Now in the 21st century, the church continues to develop new ministries and outreach in our community and around the world.

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Gold Sponsors