Tuesday, December 03, 2024

Platinum Sponsors

Roanoke Electric Cooperative

Member Name: Angella Dunston
Address *: 518 NC Hwy 561 West
City *: Aulander
State *: North Carolina
Zip *: 27805
Phone: 252-209-2272
Alternate Phone: 252-539-4601

All About Us

As a member-owner of an electric cooperative, you are a part of what makes the cooperative difference! Electric cooperatives are private, autonomous electric utilities owned by the people they serve. As a cooperative, Roanoke Electric is owned by you, our member-owner. There are more than 900 electric cooperatives across 47 states that provide service to 42 million members like you. So how did cooperatives come into existence?

Roanoke Connect.jpg

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Gold Sponsors